viernes, 28 de junio de 2019

* Look 1490 *

1: Outfit Romazin jeweler - Set <Alice> FatPack Marketplace
exclusive to The Trunk Show. July round. 
2: Accesories Sweet Evil  - - Drippy Buttery Toast
3: ::WoW Skins::. Mirela Skin & Omega Applier
4:  .:Tm:.Creation Sf8 Just a Dream Sofa Set-Sense 06/19 
Exclusive for Sense Event (Open 18th June, 4PM SLT to 08th July, 2019)
10% Discount
~Rug: 1 LI
~Coffee Table with Decors: 5 LI
~Cats Stretching with flowers: 2 LI
 No Poseball - No static poses - Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each) - Bento animations included.
-PG Version: 254 animations 30 sec loop x each: 79 PG couple poses - 6 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit (F/M 96 poses)

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